Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Poor in Spirit

"Blessed are the Poor in Spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven." Another translation reads Blessed are those who know their need for God for they shall receive the Kingdom of Heaven.  Poor in Spirit = Recognizing your need for God.  How do we get to that point?  With so many things out there it can be hard to discover that need. 

When you ask most people what they need, they would say food, a car, a house, a job, etc.  Mostly are monetary things, they aren't bad at all, but I don't think it hits the depth at which we were meant to live and rely upon God.  What we need is connection with Jesus Christ, what we need is a freshness in our hearts and lives because of His touch.   Its amazing how things can change for me when God touches my heart or the root of what is going on.  Outside circumstances may not change, but my view towards them can.  We can't spend our time managing others or circumstances, etc that will leave us empty of freedom.  SIMPLE, can your life fall under the category of simple?  Its hard to look at it like that, Father let us see our need for you, and what a wonderful thing that is, because you desire to love us to overflowing. 

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