I can remember feeling like something was going to grab my feet or hands when I was little while I was on my bed. I must have looked like an Olympic high jumper in action. I knew I had to jump at least 3 feet before the bed and at a steep angle to make sure I was in the clear. It was then that I stayed in the middle of my bed, sometimes putting the covers over my head.
I figured if I would just lie still I would be ok, that if my covers were over my face I would be ok. Now I have these random thoughts or fears that I will trip while I'm walking, mostly at work, but even in public. Tripping at the most awkward time, etc.
There are fears that we had when we were younger that plagued us and we would let on to others that no such thing existed and sometimes even make fun of younger siblings or friends who were open about their fears. What is it in us that makes us want to make fun or attack someones fears? This somehow can make us feel better about our own and divert our attention away from ourselves and what we face.
I look back at being afraid of the dark and what may be in the closet or under the bed and it is just a memory, but to others it is "reality". My father once told me "Pain is Pain, it doesn't matter how big or how small". I think the same goes for fear, I would say Fear is Fear, no matter how big or small. It is the seed that is just as big as the tree, it just is easier per say to get rid of the seed. All that being said, Scripture points to the place of not fearing anything. My ideas of coping with fear have probably looked alot like the child I once was with my covers over my head.
Joshua 1:9- Be Strong and Courageous, do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God will be with you where ever you go.
God knows we will face fear, things that could discourage us, but He asks us to remember a very crucial thing. He is with us. We are going to be ok, no matter what you face today in your life, His word for you is clear and unchanging, "I will never leave you or forsake you" "Trust in me with all of your heart". Complete trust is what he asks for, what is given in return is Jesus himself.
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