Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Healing, physical, emotional, spiritual, mental? At what point do we or I justify for it to be ok for me to not express pain? The thought of "if I am a good christian I would feel this way". Many of us may know God by some of his traits, Awesome Lord, King of Kings, Savior, mighty God. All of which are huge! He also wants to throw into that mix that He is a King of Kings who heals and restors, He is a Savior who heals, He is concerned with your heart, hurts and pain.

I find myself wrestling with not feeling that I can go to the only safe place I know. Jesus says, "Come to me ALL who are weary and heavy burdened and I will give you REST." Notice I highlighted two words. A walk with Christ is not how great we behave or sacrifice, it is how we respond to his love and out of obedience to what he calls us to. There is no, none, nada condemnation in Christ. Fear is not a motivation, He unending Love that pardons, heals, and restores is the motivation. What does God think about you? The world. - John 3:16

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