Wednesday, August 4, 2010

In the Morning

Today is one of those days that coffee is one of your best friends. :) But the real important thing today is what is stirring in me. The idea, or more so the fact, that I was made to be loved and to love. In that order, I recently heard a sermon with the main point saying, let us come to God as Children so we can come to each other as adults. Humans are meant to fill that deep void, God is.

But lets think about that for a moment, God created you because He loves you, and He daily wants to express His love to you and through you to a world that needs it desperately. Here is the deal, we can't stir up a supernatural love, we can't make things happen in that arena, Ask the Lord today, "is there any area of my life Lord where I dont know how to receive from you?" You may be blown away at the response you get. Live loved my friends.

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