Friday, March 11, 2011

A borrowed post - Thanks Jamin!

C.J. Mahaney - Grace and the Adventure of Leadership.

1 Corinthians 1:1-9 - Paul’s attitude and affection for the Corinthians was shaped by his divine perspective of the Corinthians. “I always thank God for you” (vs 4). This was a correction letter.

Do not adjust individuals who you do not have a divine affection for. (you will always find difficult individuals in your life).

Lessons on Grace from Paul and Divine perspective.

1. Paul had an understanding of the call of God

3 times in the 1st 9 verses Paul references “call” call = divine summons.

Paul was reminded of the prior activity of God in their lives which allows you to appropriately see the present deficiency.

This will give you the faith for change and perseverance for the process.

2. Paul was more aware of evidence of Grace than areas in need of growth.

Vs 4 – “I always thank God for you” high priority on thanksgiving.

Note: paul mentions thanksgiving (line per line) more than any other author pagan or Christian.

Paul, thanked God for their spiritual gifts… but he later needed to correct this area of their life. (peoples greatest strength is often their biggest weakness)

He gave thanks for those evidences of grace.

1 thess 1:2-5 another example… he was specific (1 Thess 3:9… how can we thank God enough for your).

If all you see is negative when you look upon people or individual, that is self righteousness on your behalf. (look how you view your spouse, children, friends, ppl you service, etc…) Application: ask them does being with you make them more aware of their weaknesses or do they feel better about themselves.

People need to be extended Grace as they are growing, recognize that God is at work instead of if they are finished with growing or not.

God Honors leaders who follow these principles

3. Paul had Confidence in the Grace of God.

“He will keep you strong till the end” (vs 8) because “God is faithful” (vs 9). If you looked at the Corinthians you would not have had that confidence… except because God is faithful

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