Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Method vs. Relationship

So...method we have lots of it around us. Processes, things set in place to ensure success and a certain outcome. What happens when we don't have a method? Panic? Anxiety? Stress? What about peace?

In talking about life, most if not all what we experience is on a relational level. Constantly interacting with people singular or plural. We have our methods at work, home, driving, eating, etc. When it comes to relationships, we all look for a method, the "how to" books seem to be enough to choke a camel. Don't get me wrong there is great wisdom and knowledge to gain from alot of books. But when we rely upon someone Else's experience to be true for us, we can be setting ourselves up for a possible let down, etc.

Specifically in what it means to walk with Christ. Now understand, there are biblical principles in which we live by, God's everlasting unchanging truth. You can't get around that, but understand, that is not method. Each thing we read in the word of God is alive and active, its personal to each account. I recently had a friend say, "I'm glad Jesus never healed someone the same way twice, because we would have denominations like "the church of healing mud on your eyes", etc. When we are talking about what God has done in our life, it can be easy to share method with people on how you "gained" victory. When scripture says "His divine power has given us everything, for life and godliness" I believe this speaks of the power of God that is alive, and active. We can't say in order to be a good christian you must "1, 2, 3". What that does it take the personal leadership of Christ out of our lives. Dependence upon Christ and His word and His spirit are key. Not dependence on "God did this for that person that way because they did this". We are only to be observant of others fruit, not their motive, can we really judge that? If God leads me to do one thing, it can be in freedom but another person can try to achieve a result based off what they see in me by "method" and they will walk right into a wall.

Sometimes its easier to go off other peoples revelation and manna, than seek and receive our own.


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