Thursday, August 19, 2010


The other day I had a thought, as I thought about that thought it really made me think :). Anyways I was thinking about how we compare ourselves to everything around us. To the people, what they look like, what they have or dont have. Then we move on to even surroundings, we compare ourselves to the surroundings, "do I fit in here?" "Is this a spot for me?" Why is the standard always something else?

Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to father but through me. There is so much in this verse that we could dig into, but look at 3 words. Way, Truth, Life. When we compare our life with His Way, Truth and Life, we should see the only comparable solution to what we are looking for. We weren't made to compare ourselves even to each other, only to Christ, and the way we compare, or should I say relate to Christ is as His Children, so we can be adults with the world. Money, prestige, power, social status all compared to knowing Christ is as paul said rubbish. Let us be free to walk in who Christ has called us to be. To know we are loved and to let the world feel the awesome weight of that Love. Don't walk in fear.

Friday, August 6, 2010


When I normally think of prayer I dont think of listening as much as I think of speaking. But if prayer is just me talking to God, or asking asking asking, where does that leave me? As if God were a vending machine that I go to? Yesterday one of my best friends reminded me that God only knows what we need, He only knows and He desires to give us that.

What we need isn't always what we want, but we assume thats a bad thing. When I was a kid I wanted to eat dog food, why? I have no clue, I thought it was what I wanted, I think too many times we are looking to get dog food, instead of God food. ;) The Lord is our Shepherd we shall not be in want. Allow God to challenge your thoughts of who He is today, eternal life is now. Abundant life is now, when you woke up this morning, God loved you, when you got to work, God loved you. As you read this God loves you. Christ is in you, the HOPE of glory. Let us keep our eyes on His face, His hand will guide us. For us to be willing to let go of our desires doesn't mean that God will squash them, its being willing, that is the key. Willing and wanting are two different things. Remember, we shall not be in want.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Well this tags onto my last post, fighting. I had mentioned areas that we sometimes aren't open to recieving from God. Another way to put it is how have we learned to fight off love? But maybe we dont see it as love, we have learned to cope, to keep "safe".

True freedom in Christ is allowing Him full access into your life, a HUGE part of that is allowing His love to saturate you. Sometimes we have hurt so bad in the past by someone or something, that we set out our guard dogs, no one would dare come to that area of our lives, and we learn to live life in self protect mode. A good friend of mine told me recently, or asked me this question, "Are you willing to put down your shield and allow God to be your shield?" Sometimes we fight the very thing or in this case the very hand that can and wants to heal and restore us. No more, oh thats just my personality or the way I am. He came to make all things new. In Him we live move and have our being.

Think about what you "feel" that will always be an issue, guess what? Its not your job to fix you, rest in the Grace of God. He can and will come through for you, beyond what you could ever imagine. Live Life my friends.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

In the Morning

Today is one of those days that coffee is one of your best friends. :) But the real important thing today is what is stirring in me. The idea, or more so the fact, that I was made to be loved and to love. In that order, I recently heard a sermon with the main point saying, let us come to God as Children so we can come to each other as adults. Humans are meant to fill that deep void, God is.

But lets think about that for a moment, God created you because He loves you, and He daily wants to express His love to you and through you to a world that needs it desperately. Here is the deal, we can't stir up a supernatural love, we can't make things happen in that arena, Ask the Lord today, "is there any area of my life Lord where I dont know how to receive from you?" You may be blown away at the response you get. Live loved my friends.